Value engineering
We are actively involved in Value Engineering processes when required. Along with the design team we seek to solve problems, identify and eliminate unwanted costs, while improving function and quality.
We are able to bring our vast experience of many forms of construction and materials to the VE discussions and provide guidance on the various options being considered. Although Value Engineering is generally formally considered after tenders have been received we informally engage in VE all during the pre-construction period.
Our services:
Feasibility stage (Concept design)RIBA Stage 0-2
Developed designRIBA Stage 3
Tender documentation (Technical design)RIBA Stage 4
Value engineeringRIBA Stage 4
Construction periodRIBA Stage 5 & 6
Cash flow forecasting & monitoring + Full cost control servicesRIBA Stage 5 & 6
Insurance + VAT adviceOther services
Life cycle costingOther services
Assistance with grant applicationsOther services