Insurance + VAT advice
Insurance advice
We will offer general advice in respect of construction insurance requirements based on our knowledge of the construction industry and various forms of contract. We are happy to deal direct with the client’s insurer or broker to ensure that adequate cover is obtained and advise on the level of contractor’s insurance that might be applicable to each contract.
VAT advice
We are able to offer advice to our clients in respect of VAT payable on construction projects and relating to HMRC schemes that allow VAT to be reclaimed.
Our services:
Feasibility stage (Concept design)RIBA Stage 0-2
Developed designRIBA Stage 3
Tender documentation (Technical design)RIBA Stage 4
Value engineeringRIBA Stage 4
Construction periodRIBA Stage 5 & 6
Cash flow forecasting & monitoring + Full cost control servicesRIBA Stage 5 & 6
Insurance + VAT adviceOther services
Life cycle costingOther services
Assistance with grant applicationsOther services