Cliveden House Refurbishment
Architect: Weldon Walshe Architects
Cliveden House is a National Trust owned Grade 1 listed property that is leased to a private company that operates the house as a five star luxury hotel.
The works have included the refitting and remodelling of the kitchen, refurbishment of the Great Hall, Dining Rooms and other public rooms, forming new Private Dining areas, refurbishment of the suites within the mansion and East and West Wings and Conversion of previous office spaces within Stables Link and Valet Wings to new suites.
Our Services included the preparation of cost plans, preparation of tender documents, negotiation of the contract sum with pre-selected contractor, providing post contract services including preparing valuations, final account and periodic cost reports. We also provided the Contract Adminstrator’s services.
During pre contract stages we attended regular design team meetings in order to prepare tender documents as the design was developed in order to achieve an acceptable tender sum for approval by the client. At post contract stage we needed to manage the works instructed against the assumptions that were made at tender stage to ensure that the works were delivered within budget.
The project was made more complex by the need to have the hotel operational for the whole period except a three weeks period whilst the kitchen and Dining areas were refurbished. The main house was refurbished over a period of three months to enable the existing hotel rooms to be operational for the Easter holiday period.
The final phase of works to the house comprised of refurbishment to the remaining suites and Astor grill and Churchill Meeting Room.
Access to the site was exceptionally difficult as the grounds are open to National Trust visitors for most of the year, and of course hotel guests staying in the previously refurbished areas.
The National Trust oversee the works, as Landlords, in order to ensure that their normal standards are maintained and correct materials and procedures are followed.Client : SRE Hotels (Cliveden) Ltd
The Main construction phase was completed May 2015, the final phase was completed May 2016.